You have successfully completed your trade show. You have made an impact on many visitors and have an updated database of prospective clients. But is that enough to convert your prospective customers to your acclaimed clients? Of course no!
There’s a little more to be done to get the full advantage of the trade show. Yes, you have to follow up your trade show connections. According to a study only fewer than 70 percent of exhibitors have any formalized plan on for how leads are followed up after the show. Here are some tips for an effective trade show follow-up campaign:
- Make the follow-up a priority. You will have only a limited number of hours in a given day to the follow up. Therefore, you need to categorize people. Categorize each contact as A (most important), B (important) and C (less important).
- Responding promptly and wisely to show leads is critical in convincing and converting. A prompt, professional, response is a great way to make your company customer friendly.
- Using the same follow-up email to every show will get your message discarded. Always identify the specific show, by name, in the subject line. Personalize each email with the name and other details of the assigned representative for that prospect. Someone who’s interested in your service may be ready to contact sales directly. So make it easy for them.
- Social media is a good option and a no-pressure platform to nurture new connections. If you had met someone but missed a plan to follow up, then social media is the best place to start.You can invite those from whom you received a business card to connect on LinkedIn or Facebook, sending a personalized invitation or even follow on Twitter.
- If someone asked you to call them, do it! They will be pleased to attend.